Barbara Zietchick



Featured Printmaker

Barbara Zietchick lives in Pennsylvania, United States. Her travels throughout the world and love of color and animals has inspired her to create etchings, monotypes, collagraphs and screen prints to celebrate her love for the process of printmaking.

What was your first experience of printmaking?

My first experience in printmaking came about because my painting teacher was also a famous WPA printmaker. During the depression, the government supported artists. She introduced me to looking at prints. I saw an ad for a course in the "painterly print" which was monotype. Once I was introduced to printmaking, I learned about its many different forms and have been adicted to printmaking ever since.

What inspires you as an artist?

I never know exactly what will inspire me. I look at everything carefully, and go to museums which I find interesting and stimulating. I love animals and their graceful forms, and am fascinated by the possibilities of abstract art. The balance between shapes, colors, and forms is an inspiration.

What are you working on at present?

At the present time, I'm working on a large etching plate. I'm planning my etching so that the forms are both dark and light and there is a relationship that the viewer will understand and relate to.


Tapestry III: Linocuts in Various Colors

What is special about printmaking?

Printmaking is special for many reasons. First, it is a challenge, and requires a lot of thought before the plate is etched or the block is carved. It is an adventure. The first state of the print is a revelation. I love looking at it and deciding what to do next.

What is your favourite printmaking process, and why?

My favorite process is etching because it involves so many processes. It is really close to 3D because it involves a plate which one can carry around and work on. I love the different aspects; the drawing, the etching, the printing, the adding to, the colors, chine colle and viscosity goes on and on.

What prompted you to take part in the International Print Exchange?

I love to print my plates and enjoy planning for the format of the IPE print exchange. I like the idea of working in more than one color, and using more than one plate on such a small surface. Also, it's fun to see other printmakers' work. It is inspiring to see talented people accept the challenge and present such wonderful prints.


Motion: people in a crowd lose their individuality and become part of a living, functioning, active, thoughtful society.

What is your favourite colour?

For etching, I love Sepia rather than black because there is more warmth and character to the print even though it is a dark value. For color, I love blues and warm colors like red and yellow ochre.


What is your favourite paper and ink?

Charbonnel Ink is by far the best etching ink. The colors are awesome--and so is the price.

For paper, Rives BFK or Arches are very good papers, but I also find the American Masters paper from Utrecht to be very nice to work with, especially in white. I like the Reeves new smooth paper for etching, but for photo-emulsion printing, the Hanemuhle is the best.

I guess there is not one paper for all purposes.

What kind of music do you listen to whilst printmaking?

I actually listen to stories instead of music. I love the program "Selected Shorts" and "Read Me Something You Love" and "New Yorker Fiction" . If I am listening to music, I like Mozart and Bob Dylan.

Who is your favourite printmaker?

I like Picasso for his gorgeous drawing in his etchings, and I like Sam Francis for his free style Monotypes.