Submission Guidelines
Please make sure that you have read and understood the guidelines before submitting your print edition. If you have any queries please, in the first instance, consult the FAQ page or contact the IPE Team for clarification. Please resolve your query before submitting your print edition.
All work submitted must be created specifically for the IPE and, as a contributing artist, you must own the intellectual property rights for all images submitted.
Please note, artists are welcome to take part each year, but we ask that only one print edition is sent per artist, per exchange.
14cm x 14cm (5.5 inches x 5.5 inches)
Note: Please ensure all prints and paper are the same size.
10cm x 10cm (3.9 inches x 3.9 inches)
Minimum 2cm (0.8 inch) clear margin required around print / image area.
Ten (10)
Note: Due the nature of the exchange, we cannot accept varied editions. Please ensure all prints submitted as one edition are as identical as possible to each another.
All prints must be received by 12 Noon (GMT) Sat 31 August 2024.
There is a £30 (GBP) submission fee. This fee will offset costs incurred by Green Door Printmaking Studio in organising the exchange and posting your exchanged parcel to you.
A completed submission form must be send electronically via our website. Please complete this form prior to posting your prints to us. The information on this form will be duplicated as required for the return of exchanged prints and does not need to be included as a hard copy when sending your prints.

All prints must be signed and editioned in the print margin along the bottom edge of the print with the following details:
Left Hand Side - Edition Number (1/10, 2/10 ... 10/10)
Centre - Print Title
Right Hand Side - Artist's Signature/Mark & Year
There must not be any other writing/labels and/or mark making on the reverse of the print or within the print margin. Please use pencil only when signing your prints.
The primary and preferred payment option for the IPE is PayPal. To pay using PayPal click on the Pay Online link and follow the online instructions.
Please Note:
Cheques and Cash no longer accepted. Unfortunately, as of the IPE 2018 we can no longer accept payment via cheque or cash. You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
You may be required to quote your order number, so please keep note of this (it will be emailed to you upon completion of the payment process).
Please note: this payment is non-refundable.
All submissions must be created using a recognised printmaking process: e.g. Serigraphy, Etching, Lithography, Mezzotint, Dry point, Linocut, Woodcut, Gocco, Collography etc...
Purely digital / photographic prints will not be accepted. However, the inclusion of digital/photographic work as part of the image creation process is welcomed (eg: photographic etching), provided that the final physical print is not produced using a digital print method.
Chine Collé techniques must be used in conjunction with archival glues and archival papers (eg: inkjet prints are not acceptable).
Hand coloured prints (after the print has been pulled) are no longer accepted (as of our IPE 2016) due to the non-archival nature of most watercolours/paints used, and the likelihood that the edition will not be identical.
Purely blind embossed/debossed prints are no longer accepted (as of our IPE2020). Unfortunately, due to the nature of the exchange, prints produced using this method are often damaged (flattened) in transit and are therefore not likely to survive the postal journey.
Note: Monotypes/monoprints must only be submitted if each print is as near to identical as possible. If you are using an element of monotype in your edition, please be aware of this also.
All prints must be printed on a recognised archival paper: e.g. Fabriano, Hahnemühle or Rives BFK etc... The only exception to this will be handmade paper made specifically for this exchange.
Note: Each print must be fully registered on one piece of archival paper. Editions that consist of collaged prints (out of two or more paper types) will not be allowed.
Each print must be individually protected by acid-free tissue or glassine paper only, using the fold-over technique (one longer piece of tissue paper folded in half to protect the front and back of each print). Please refer to the video below for clearer instruction.
All prints must be completely dry before submission.
The P&P costs of submission of the print edition to Green Door are at the participant's expense. Please mark your package clearly as 'PRINTED MATERIAL: NO COMMERCIAL VALUE' to avoid expensive customs duty. Green Door cannot be responsible for any parcels held in customs.
Please post all editions to:
Green Door Printmaking Studio
Banks Mill Studios
71 Bridge Street
Derby, DE1 3LB
United Kingdom
The packaging costs of the returned prints will be met from the administration fee. A return S.A.E. (Stamped Address Envelope) is therefore not required.
Please ensure you include your contact details somewhere on or in your parcel so we can identify your work.
Note: It will invariably be easier for members of a studio or print community to send combined print submissions in one package. Similarly, if a group of printmakers wish to receive exchange prints as a single package to a nominated postal address please register your group to let us know before print submission.